Welcome at microwebservices.eu, my interests: microservices.com.pl, Java, cloud on AWS, J2EE, containerization/Dockerization, Kubernetes, JEE, EJB, JSP, Maven, Web Services, SOAP, REST, High Availability Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks etc. See linkedin.com/in/grathor33/, bitbucket.org and https://github.com/grathor33/
Sunday, April 28, 2024
The Future of Dockershim is cri-dockerd | Mirantis
`--container-runtime=remote --container-runtime-endpoint=/var/run/cri-docker.sock`
to your kubelet arguments, and you're ready to go.Support docker container runtime in Kubernetes 1.24 · Issue #13545 · kubernetes/minikube · systemctl cat cri-docker.socket
crictl. Upgrade cri-dockerd to fix the socket path by afbjorklund · Pull Request #13563 · kubernetes/minikube
$ minikube ssh -- sudo crictl version Version: 0.1.0 RuntimeName: docker RuntimeVersion: 20.10.12 RuntimeApiVersion: 1.41.0 $ minikube ssh -- sudo crictl --version crictl version v1.21.0
$ minikube ssh -- sudo cri-dockerd --version cri-dockerd 0.2.0 (a4d1895)
Support docker container runtime in Kubernetes 1.24 · Issue #13545 · kubernetes/minikube $DOCKER_HOST
For some reason, after updating the macOS docker version, it doesn't create the /var/run/docker.sock file anymore. Creating a symlink is a hacky way and not recommended.
My solution is to set the $DOCKER_HOST environment variable:
export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///Users/<USER>/.docker/run/docker.sock
or add it to .zshrc:
echo "export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///Users/<USER>/.docker/run/docker.sock" >> ~/.zshrc
or add it in the IntelliJ run configuration.
Docker socket is not found. :: docker context ls
You can see the current contexts in your machine by running
docker context ls
which should produce an output like:
NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION DOCKER ENDPOINT KUBERNETES ENDPOINT ORCHESTRATOR default moby Current DOCKER_HOST based configuration unix:///var/run/docker.sock https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443 (default) swarm desktop-linux * moby unix:///Users/<USER>/.docker/run/docker.sock
As a workaround that will allow IntelliJ to connect to Docker you can use the TCP Socket checkbox and put in the Engine API URL the value that appears under DOCKER ENDPOINT
in the active context.
The case for this example will be: