Welcome at microwebservices.eu, my interests: microservices.com.pl, Java, cloud on AWS, J2EE, containerization/Dockerization, Kubernetes, JEE, EJB, JSP, Maven, Web Services, SOAP, REST, High Availability Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks etc. See linkedin.com/in/grathor33/, bitbucket.org and https://github.com/grathor33/
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Monday, September 26, 2022
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Monday, September 19, 2022
SCP Linux Command – How to SSH File Transfer from Remote to Local. Winscp. Major Kubernetes. Major Python.
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Classless Inter-Domain Routing. Major CIDR Notation. IP protocol, MASKS and addresses. A0 B10 C110 D1110 E1111. Routers. 127.1 127.65530. IPv6. IPv4
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Friday, September 9, 2022
Skąd pochodzimy? Polskie badaczki znalazły wspólny punkt łączący Europę z Azją. Pasterze stepowi (z kultury grobow jamowych). Major LANG Languages TREE MAP. NLP. DNA.
Thursday, September 8, 2022
!!!!! GitHub - operator-framework/operator-sdk: SDK for building Kubernetes applications. !!!!! K8s. Major Kubernetes. Helm.yaml? Java to GO?!!!!
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Long short-term memory. LSTM. Gated recurrent unit. GRU.
generative models - Restricted Boltzmann Machines vs GAN. Generation and Generalization Methods for Energy-Based Models. EBM
Restricted Boltzmann machine. RBM. BM. ANN
As their name implies, RBMs are a variant of Boltzmann machines, with the restriction that their neurons must form a bipartite graph: a pair of nodes from each of the two groups of units (commonly referred to as the "visible" and "hidden" units respectively) may have a symmetric connection between them; and there are no connections between nodes within a group.
By contrast, "unrestricted" Boltzmann machines may have connections between hidden units.
This restriction allows for more efficient training algorithms than are available for the general class of Boltzmann machines, in particular...
the gradient-based contrastive divergence algorithm."
Deep belief network. DBN. Autoencoders. RBM.
DBNs can be viewed as a composition of simple, unsupervised networks such as restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) or autoencoders, where each sub-network's hidden layer serves as the visible layer for the next.
Overall, there are many attractive implementations and uses of DBNs in real-life applications and scenarios (e.g., electroencephalography, drug discovery)."
Major Python. What's the Difference Between CNN and RNN?
"What's the difference between CNN and RNN?
The main difference between a CNN and an RNN is the ability to process temporal information — data that comes in sequences, such as a sentence. Recurrent neural networks are designed for this very purpose, while convolutional neural networks are incapable of effectively interpreting temporal information. As a result, CNNs and RNNs are used for completely distinct purposes, and there are differences in the structures of the neural networks themselves to fit those different use cases.
CNNs employ filters within convolutional layers to transform data (more on that later), whereas RNNs are predictive, reusing activation functions from other data points in the sequence to generate the next output in a series."
Major Python. CNN for Deep Learning | Convolutional Neural Networks. What is CONVOLUTION?
Sunday, September 4, 2022
Delfy. Apollo. Pyton. Pytia. Wyrocznia. Krew Pytona.
Według jednego z mitów, w Delfach spotkały się dwa orły wysłane przez Zeusa z krańców wszechświata dla znalezienia tzw. pępka świata.
Według innego mitu, w Delfach znajdowało się sanktuarium Gai – Matki Ziemi, strzeżone przez węża Pytona, którego pokonał Apollo ustanowiając tam wyrocznię.
Batalia Apollina z Pytonem i początki wyroczni zostały opisane przez Homera w Hymnie do Apollina.
Przepowiednie Apollina przekazywała Pytia siedząca nad szczeliną, z której wydobywały się „opary".
Pierwszymi kapłanami Apollina byli Kreteńczycy z Knossos, których przywiódł do Kiry nieopodal Delf Apollin pod postacią delfina.
Wprowadzili oni kult Apollina Delphinosa (pol. „Apollina Delfina"), zmieniając prawdopodobnie nazwę sanktuarium z Pyto na Delfi.