Saturday, December 10, 2022

Angielskie homonimy, homofony, homografy - czym są? Polskie. Major Python.

Fonem – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Uniwersalia językowe – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Morfem – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Znaczenie – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Symbol – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Pojęcie – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Lingwistyka kognitywna. MAJOR Wikipedia. Różnica pomiędzy gramatyką transformacyjno- generatywną (Chomsky) a gramatyką kognitywną.


"Podstawową różnicą pomiędzy gramatyką transformacyjno-generatywną a gramatyką kognitywną jest to, że w przypadku tej ostatniej gramatyka nie jest systemem stricte formalnym. Kognitywizm w języku często utożsamiany jest z funkcjonalizmem, a zatem z takim kierunkiem badań, który skupia się na tym, jak język jest używany, jakie są jego funkcje. Gdyby spojrzeć na język jak na grę, funkcjonaliści nie zadowoliliby się jedynie opisaniem reguł; pragnęliby zrozumieć, jaki cel i jaką przyczynę mają faktyczne zachowania graczy, nawet te niezgodne z regułami.

Zbudowanie gramatyki kognitywnej wymagało przeformułowania wielu pojęć. Język to „zbiór […] środków służących symbolizacji myśli i komunikacji tych symbolizacji" 


deep_learning_study/ at master · tmheo/deep_learning_study · GitHub. Links... Deep Learning. Machine Learning. NLP. Major Python.

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code embedding embedded "continuous bag of words" CBOW gensim TF-IDF "continuous skip-gram" kaggle

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code embedding embedded "continuous bag of words" CBOW gensim TF-IDF "continuous skip-gram" kaggle

Word Embedding

GitHub Bugs Prediction NLP exercise | Kaggle. MAJOR PYTHON

GitHub - ademakdogan/word2vec_generator

medium_w2v · GitHub. Major Python code.


Word embedding. word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code embedding embedded "continuous bag of words" CBOW gensim TF-IDF "continuous skip-gram" kaggle

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code embedding embedded "continuous bag of words" CBOW gensim TF-IDF "continuous skip-gram" kaggle

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code embedding embedded "continuous bag of words" CBOW gensim TF-IDF "continuous skip-gram" kaggle. MAJOR PYTHON

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code embedding embedded "continuous bag of words" CBOW gensim TF-IDF "continuous skip-gram" kaggle. MAJOR PYTHON 

"What natural reserves are there in Warsaw?" 

Going to the movies with BERT | Kaggle. word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code embedding embedded "continuous bag of words" CBOW gensim TF-IDF "continuous skip-gram" kaggle

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code embedding embedded "continuous bag of words" CBOW gensim TF-IDF "continuous skip-gram"

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code embedding embedded "continuous bag of words" CBOW gensim TF-IDF "continuous skip-gram"

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code embedding embedded "continuous bag of words" CBOW gensim TF-IDF "continuous skip-gram" 

glove-embeddings · GitHub Topics · GitHub

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code embedding embedded "continuous bag of words" CBOW gensim

glove · GitHub Topics · GitHub

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code embedding embedded "continuous bag of words" CBOW gensim

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code embedding embedded "continuous bag of words" CBOW gensim

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code embedding embedded "continuous bag of words" CBOW gensim

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code

NLP. Watch "How to Demonstrate Word Embeddings in NLP | Fasttext, Bert, GloVe and ELMo || Clarusway" on YouTube

word2vec glove fasttext elmo bert nlp python code

text_similarity/EMBEDDING (word2vec, FastText, Glove, HomeMadeEmbedding).ipynb at GitHub

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Battle Rage | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom,it%20possible%20to%20sprint%20further.

"Battle Rage is a Field Upgrade featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. When activated, the user's health regenerates quickly, they gain resistance to tacticals, allowing for clearer vision, and their Tactical Sprint constantly refreshes, making it possible to sprint further.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Canonical releases Ubuntu 22.10 Kinetic Kudu | Ubuntu

Kubuntu 22.10 Kinetic Kudu Released | Kubuntu

How to Ping in Modern Warfare 2. Ping wheel... to communicate something else to their teammates

"If players want to communicate something else to their teammates, they can bring up the ping wheel. Players can choose between four options-Quiet, Watch, Help, and Go. The wheel can be brought up by holding up on the D-pad or holding the "Alt" button on keyboards. Once brought up, players will need to select the ping they want to use and then release."

The Embassy | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom. COD MW2 2022

Farm 18 | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom. COD MW2 2022

Zarqwa Hydroelectric | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom. COD MW2 2022

Mercado Las Almas | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom. COD MW2 2022

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

COD Modern Warfare 2 Maps (2022) Full List of Multiplayer Maps



  1. Al Bagra Fortress
  2. Breenbergh Hotel
  3. Crown Raceway (Grand Prix renamed)
  4. El Asilo
  5. Embassy
  6. Farm 18
  7. Mercado Las Almas
  8. Museum (Removed)
  9. Santa Seña Border Crossing
  10. Taraq
  11. Zarqwa Hydroelectric
  12. Guijarro (Ground War)
  13. Santa Seña (Ground War)
  14. Sariff Bay (Ground War)
  15. Sa'id (Ground War)
  16. Taraq (Ground War)

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Monday, October 17, 2022

Convert Pandas DataFrame Row or Column to Series


import pandas as pd    # Create dictionary  students_record = {'Student Names': ['Samreena', 'Raees', 'Asif', 'Affan', 'Idrees', 'Mirha'],         'Physics': [87, 54, 68, 92, 50, 90],         'Chemistry': [78, 58, 85, 82, 76, 71],         'Maths': [90, 88, 50, 89, 77, 80] }    # Converting dictionary to DataFrame  dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data=students_record)    # Display DataFrame  dataframe  # Converting DataFrame row to Series  series = dataframe.iloc[3].reset_index(drop=True).squeeze()    print(series)  print (type(series))

5 Python Projects to Automate Your Life: From Beginner to Advanced

Monday, October 10, 2022

Introduction to NumPy. MAJOR Python. W3 schools

How Is Rhaenyra Related to Daenerys in ‘House of the Dragon’?


"Working backward from Daenerys—the last Targaryen by name—we have her father, the "Mad King" Aerys II, and his sister-wife, Rhaella Targaryen. The Mad King's death at the hands of the "king slayer" Jaime Lannister occurs right before the events of Game of Thrones, setting the stage for eight seasons of conflict."

Daenerys Targaryen. Family.

Major Python. python_lists_comprehension

The Complete Guide to the Complicated Targaryen Family Tree. Rhaenyra is Daenerys's...


"Technically, Rhaenyra is Daenerys's sixth great grandmother and Jon's seventh great grandmother. That also makes Daenerys and Jon the direct descendants of Daemon, Rhaenyra's uncle/second husband."

Rhaenyra Targaryen | Game of Thrones Wiki | Fandom

Monday, September 19, 2022

How to Deploy PostgreSQL on Kubernetes {Helm Chart or Manual Config}

postgresql-ha 9.4.4 · bitnami/bitnami. Major Kubernetes. ArtifactHUB

kubernetes/kubernetes: Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management. Major Kubernetes

Helm Charts to deploy PostgreSQL HA in Kubernetes. Major Kubernetes. Helm.yaml

SCP Linux Command – How to SSH File Transfer from Remote to Local. Winscp. Major Kubernetes. Major Python.


"PuTTYgen is a key generator. It generates pairs of public and private keys to be used with WinSCP. PuTTYgen generates RSADSAECDSA, and EdDSA keys."

Ssh session. Secure connection. How to Use SSH to Connect to a Remote Server in Linux or Windows. Major Kubernetes. Major Python. Putty download

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Watch "Kubernetes Services networking" on YouTube

Watch "Kubernetes Ingress networking" on YouTube

Watch "How Ingress Works | Introduction to Kubernetes" on YouTube

Watch "Docker Tutorial - Part 1 - What is Docker, and Key Concepts" on YouTube

Watch "Introduction to Microservices, Docker, and Kubernetes" on YouTube

Watch "Kubernetes for Beginners - Docker Introduction in 15 Minutes" on YouTube

Watch "What Is Kubernetes? | All Kubernetes Concepts Explained in 9 Minutes | KodeKloud" on YouTube

Watch "Kubernetes - Services Explained in 15 Minutes!" on YouTube

Watch "Network Namespaces Basics Explained in 15 Minutes" on YouTube.

Watch "Kubernetes Ingress Explained Completely For Beginners - Updated" on YouTube.

Configuring ingress - Kubernetes - KodeKloud - DevOps Learning Community

GitHub - mmumshad/kubernetes-the-hard-way: Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Vagrant on Local Machine. No scripts (no helm etc.).

Major TLS. Certificates!!! Watch "Install Kubernetes from Scratch [13] - TLS Bootstrap Kubelet" on YouTube

Reserved IP addresses. Routing


Classless Inter-Domain Routing. Major CIDR Notation. IP protocol, MASKS and addresses. A0 B10 C110 D1110 E1111. Routers. 127.1 127.65530. IPv6. IPv4


Classless Inter-Domain Routing. Major CIDR Notation. IP protocol, MASKS and addresses. A0 B10 C110 D1110 E1111. Routers. 127.1 127.65530. IPv6. IPv4

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Convolutional vision Transformer (CvT) that improves Vision Transformer (ViT) in Performance and Efficiency

Ten nadprzewodnik może zrewolucjonizować elektronikę, a inspiracja do jego stworzenia płynie z zaskakującego miejsca. DNA. DRD47R.

Jeden wzór matematyczny... Rewolucja. Jego początki sięgają czasów Einsteina. Dyfuzja poprzez bariery "półprzepuszczalne"...

Brainwave Synchronization. NLP? Major Python?

CQRS and Event Sourcing Intro For Developers

Cykle zlodowacenia Milankovicia. ERA. Glacier. ICE AGE. Starożytni kosmonauci. Cywilizacje. Atlantyda? Potop.

Tego nie wymyślił Google Translator. 5 wpadek przy tłumaczeniu tytułów lektur. NLP?

!!!!! [[[ DEFINITIONS]]] !!!!! Learn Kubernetes - The Easy Way!!! K8S. KEIGHTS.

Queues in Python. Major Python.

Queues in Python. Major Python. Kafka?

ANN. LSTM. arima vs prophet vs lstm. RNN.

Ztachip Accelerates Tensorflow And Image Workloads. Major Python.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Teby (Grecja!!! ). Mityczny ich król = Edyp.

Thebes, Egypt (LUXOR). Teby.

Testing Kubernetes Operators using EnvTest. Major Kubernetes. K8s Test your operator | KubeOps Documentation. Major Kubernetes. Helm.yaml? K8s.

Major Testing Kubernetes Operators- Alternatives and Suggestions. K8s.

Testing your Operator project | Operator SDK. K8s. Major Kubernetes. Helm.yaml? Java to GO?

!!!!! GitHub - operator-framework/operator-sdk: SDK for building Kubernetes applications. !!!!! K8s. Major Kubernetes. Helm.yaml? Java to GO?!!!!

GitHub - operator-framework/operator-sdk: SDK for building Kubernetes applications. Provides high level APIs, useful abstractions, and project scaffolding. K8s. Major Kubernetes. Helm.yaml? Java to GO? 

Java Operator :: Operator SDK.K8s. Major Kubernetes. Helm.yaml? Java to GO? How-to

Kube by Example. K8s. Major Kubernetes. Helm.yaml? Java to GO? How to...

Go Operator Tutorial | Operator SDK. K8s. Major Kubernetes. Helm.yaml? Java to GO?

K8s. How to Run Databases in Kubernetes. Stateless vs. Stateful. WITH OPERATOR?

Major Python. Reverse List.

Watch "Kubernetes in 5 mins" on YouTube. K8s. VMware K8s. Kubernetes

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Long short-term memory. LSTM. Gated recurrent unit. GRU.


"Long short-term memory (LSTM) is an artificial neural network used in the fields of artificial intelligence and deep learning

Unlike standard feedforward neural networks, LSTM has feedback connections. 

Such a recurrent neural network (RNN) can process not only single data points (such as images), but also entire sequences of data (such as speech or video). 

For example, LSTM is applicable to tasks such as unsegmented, connected:
robot control,
* video games,
* and healthcare.

LSTM has become the most cited neural network of the 20th century." !!! 



"The GRU is like a long short-term memory (LSTM) with a forget gatebut has fewer parameters than LSTM, as it lacks an output gate. 

GRU's performance on certain tasks of polyphonic music modeling, speech signal modeling and natural language processing was found to be similar to that of LSTM. 

GRUs have been shown to exhibit better performance on certain smaller and less frequent datasets."

Self-organizing (feature) map. SOFM. SOM. U-MATRIX. ANN.

ANN vs CNN vs RNN | Types of Neural Networks. MLP.

An Overview of Deep Belief Network (DBN) in Deep Learning. RBM. Major Python.