Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Major OpenAI Codex

!!! An major implementation of model parallel GPT-2 and GPT-3-style models using the mesh-tensorflow library.!!!

!!!! A client for OpenAI's GPT-3 API for ad hoc testing of prompt without using the web interface. Major source!!!!

openai-gpt3 · GitHub Topics · GitHub

GitHub - bhattbhavesh91/gpt-3-simple-tutorial: Generate SQL from Natural Language Sentences using OpenAI's GPT-3 Model

!!! The Major goal of this project is to enable users to create cool web demos using the newly released OpenAI GPT-3 API with just a few lines of Python.!!!


"The goal of this project is to enable users to create cool web demos using the newly released OpenAI GPT-3 API with just a few lines of Python."

!!!!! GitHub - minimaxir/gpt-3-experiments: Test prompts for OpenAI's GPT-3 API and the resulting AI-generated texts.!!!!

GitHub - elyase/awesome-gpt3

GitHub - openai/gpt-3: GPT-3: Language Models are Few-Shot Learners

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

MicroStream 5.0 is Now Open Source

nuclear reactor of Rolls-Royce

NSA, CISA release Kubernetes Hardening Guidance > National Security Agency Central Security Service

NSA and CISA Publish Kubernetes Hardening Guidance

Java News Roundup: JDK LTS Release Cadence, OpenJDK, Spring Updates, Helidon, Payara Platform



Oracle has released Helidon 2.3.3 featuring bug fixes and performance improvements to the WebServer, WebClient, Fault Tolerance, Tracing and Metrics components. More details may be found in the release notes."

The Witcher. Wiedźmin: Henry Cavill chce Geralta jak z książek.

regex101: build, test, and debug regexp, regular expression

Regular expression syntax cheatsheet - JavaScript | MDN

WEB. Progressing from a beginner to intermediate developer

Using TypeScript with Node.js and Express

Thursday, September 16, 2021

How to run Podman on Windows

Spintronika. Splątano trzy kubity spinowe. Ważny krok w informatyce kwantowej

Przełom w fizyce - jesteśmy o krok od wykrycia ciemnej energii (68%), obok istnienia... ciemnej materii (27%).

Source: https://nt.interia.pl/technauka/news-przelom-w-fizyce-jestesmy-o-krok-od-wykrycia-ciemnej-energii,nId,5485996

"Wszystko, co jesteśmy w stanie dostrzec wokół - od biedronek po gromady galaktyk - stanowi zaledwie mniej niż 5 proc. Wszechświata. 

Ok. 27 proc. stanowi ciemna materia - niewidzialna siła utrzymująca galaktyki razem 

- a 68 proc. należy do ciemnej energii, która sprawia, że Wszechświat rozszerza się coraz szybciej."


Camel K Brings Apache Camel to Kubernetes for Event-Driven Architectures

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Clonezilla ocs-sr commandline options manage (-k). GitHub


-j2, --clone-hidden-data
Use dd to clone the image of the data between MBR (1st sector, i.e. 512
bytes) and 1st partition, which might be useful for some recovery tool.
-ntfs-ok, --ntfs-ok
Assume the NTFS integrity is OK, do NOT check again (for ntfsclone only)
-rm-win-swap-hib, --rm-win-swap-hib
Try to remove the MS windows swap file in the source partition.
-q, --use-ntfsclone
If the partition to be saved is NTFS, use program ntfsclone instead of
partimage (i.e. Priority: ntfsclone > partimage > dd)
-q1, --force-to-use-dd
Force to use dd to save partition(s) (inefficient method, very slow, but
works for all the file system).
-q2, --use-partclone
Use partclone to save partition(s) (i.e. partclone > partimage > dd).
-rescue, --rescue
Turn on rescue mode, i.e. try to skip bad sectors.
-sc, -scs, --skip-check-restorable, --skip-check-restorable-s
By default Clonezilla will check the image if restorable after it is
created. This option allows you to skip that.
-z0, --no-compress
Don't compress when saving: fast but very big image file
-z1, --gzip-compress
Compress using gzip when saving (default)
-z1p, --smp-gzip-compress
Compress using parallel gzip program (pigz) for multi-cpu machines
-z2, --bz2-compress
Compress using bzip2 when saving: slow but smallest image file
-z2p, --smp-bzip2-compress
Compress using parallel bzip2 program (pbzip2) for multi-cpu machines
-z3, --lzo-compress
Compress using lzop when saving: similar to gzip but faster
-z4, --lzma-compress
Compress using lzma when saving: similar to bzip but faster
-z5, --xz-compress
Compress using xz when saving: faster decompression than bzip2.
-z5p, --smp-xz-compress
Compress using parallel xz when saving
-z6, --lzip-compress
Compress using lzip when saving: faster decompression than bzip2.
-z6p, --smp-lzip-compress
Compress using parallel lzip when saving
-z7, --lrzip-compress
Compress using lrzip when saving.
Some words are reserved for IMAGE_NAME, "ask_user" is used to let user to
input a name when saving an image. "autoname" is used to automatically
generate the image name based on network card MAC address and time.
"autohostname" is used to automatically generate the image name based on
hostname. "autoproductname" is used to automatically generate the image name
based on hardware product model gotten from dmidecode.
A word is reserved for DEVICE, "ask_user" could be used to let user to select
the source device when saving an image.
Options for restoring:
-f, --from-part-in-img PARTITION
Restore the partition from image. This is especially for "restoreparts"
to restore the image of partition (only works for one) to different
partition, e.g. sda1 of image to sdb6.
-g, --grub-install GRUB_PARTITION
Install grub in the MBR of the disk containing partition GRUB_PARTITION
with root grub directory in the same GRUB_PARTITION when restoration
finishes, GRUB_PARTITION can be one of "/dev/sda1", "/dev/sda2"... or
"auto" ("auto" will let clonezilla detect the grub root partition
automatically). If "auto" is assigned, it will work if grub partition
and root partition are not in the same partition.
-r, --resize-partition
Resize the partition when restoration finishes, this will resize the
file system size to fit the partition size. It is normally used when
when a small partition image is restored to a larger partition.
-k, --no-fdisk, --no-create-partition
Do NOT create partition in target harddisk. If this option is set, you
must make sure there is an existing partition table in the current
restored harddisk. Default is to create the partition table.
