Saturday, August 28, 2021

Clonezilla ocs-sr commandline options manpage


To save or restore image in client (Only that DRBL client will join, and its
local partitions is NOT mounted). NOTE!!! You should run the command in DRBL
client or you have to make sure the target device is NOT busy!.
To save all the data in local first IDE harddrive 'hda' as image 'IMAGE1', use
ntfsclone instead of partimage, and lzop compression (NOTE!!! You should run
the command in DRBL client or make sure hda is NOT busy/mounted!):
ocs-sr --use-ntfsclone -z3 savedisk IMAGE1 hda
To save the data in first and second partitions in local first IDE harddrive
'hda' as image 'IMAGE2', use ntfsclone instead of partimage, and lzop
compression (NOTE!!! You should run the command in DRBL client, or make sure
hda is NOT busy/mounted!):
ocs-sr --use-ntfsclone -z3 saveparts IMAGE2 "hda1 hda2"
To restore image IMAGE1 to local hda. grub-install will be run after cloning
(image IMAGE1 is already in DRBL server. NOTE!!! You should run the command
in DRBL client or make sure hda is NOT busy/mounted!):
ocs-sr -g auto restoredisk IMAGE1 hda
To restore image first and second partitions from IMAGE2 to local hda1 and
hda2. grub-install will be run after cloning (image IMAGE2 is already in DRBL
server. NOTE!!! You should run the command in DRBL client or make sure hda is
NOT busy/mounted!):
ocs-sr -g auto restoreparts IMAGE2 "hda1 hda2"
To save disk(s)/partitition(s) as an image or restore an image to
disk(s)/partitition(s) interactively, use:
ocs-sr -x "

Clonezilla - Advanced Modes. Savedisk command...

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Major problem: How to restore a windows image system to a new bigger SSD DRIVE? LIKE A PRAYING MANTIS...


How to restore a windows image system to a new drive?

Unable to restore windows image from backup image to new hard drive?

"So i boot up the win7 disc and started the restore process

And it failed because the backup image was on D:\ of the old SSD
And since the old SSD had the same signature of the backup image
the restore process was not able to complete
Even though i selected the new SSD partition

So i opened the Command
Typed these command lines:

DISKPART> select disk 0 <--this is the old SSD
DISKPART> uniqueid disk
DISK 00180000 <- it displayed the actual signature
DISKPART> uniqueid disk ID=01010101 <--type something different from the actual signature

And then i closed the command and i ran the system image restore successfully"

How to restore a windows image system to a new bigger SSD drive? Unable to restore windows image from backup image to new bigger hard drive?


How to restore a windows image system to a new drive?

Unable to restore windows image from backup image to new hard drive?

"So i boot up the win7 disc and started the restore process

And it failed because the backup image was on D:\ of the old SSD
And since the old SSD had the same signature of the backup image
the restore process was not able to complete
Even though i selected the new SSD partition

So i opened the Command
Typed these command lines:

DISKPART> select disk 0 <--this is the old SSD
DISKPART> uniqueid disk
DISK 00180000 <- it displayed the actual signature
DISKPART> uniqueid disk ID=01010101 <--type something different from the actual signature

And then i closed the command and i ran the system image restore successfully"

Disk Unique ID - PowerShell and WMI, "diskpart": DETAIL DISK, DISK UNIQUEID, SELECT

Thursday, August 12, 2021

A Guide to Python Good Practices. Revisiting some of the best practices....

NPM. NG. NODE.js Build Your Project!!! How to install and use the Angular CLI?

Algorithms for Fast Drones! Nowy algorytm dla superszybkich dronów: łączy dwa zestawy danych dla lepszych wyników


"Warte zauważenia jest to, że ten nowy algorytm w konkretnych etapach toru pozwalał się wyprzedzić, żeby lepiej poradzić sobie z trudnym zakrętem, a nawet zaoszczędzić energię, aby przyspieszyć w lepszych warunkach i ostatecznie wyprzedzić rywala." 

Norton buys Avast...

NLP. Natural language processing-as-a-service. AI21 Labs trains a massive language model to rival OpenAI's GPT-3

The Best Way to Learn Python – Python Programming Tutorial for Beginners

PYTHON IS EVERYWHERE :-) The Difference Between Data Scientists and ML Engineers

ARM. Arm KEIL - Software + Computer Controls

All about k3s - Lightweight Kubernetes

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Pathways: Google is developing a superintelligent multipurpose AI


'Gebru claimed she was forced out of Google because of a controversial paper she wrote about the perils of creating language learning AI models trained on large amounts of text. As Karen Hao of MIT Tech Review explained, because Google's AI devours text from the internet, "there's a risk that racist, sexist, and otherwise abusive language ends up in the training data."'

OpenAI can translate English sentences into code with its new machine learning software Codex

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

To create AGI, we need a new theory of intelligence


'In this respect, Raghavachary proposes in his paper that "intelligence is a biological phenomenon tied to evolutionary adaptation, meant to aid an agent survive and reproduce in its environment by interacting with it appropriately — it is one of considered response."

The considered response theory is different from traditional definitions of intelligence and AI, which focus on high-level computational processing such as reasoning, planning, goal-seeking, and problem-solving in general. Raghavachary says that the problem with the usual AI branches — symbolic, connectionist, goal-driven — is not that they are computational but that they are digital.'

Watch "Universe Size Comparison 2020"... "From stars to stars".

Watch "FICTIONAL STARSHIPS Size COMPARISON 3D" with real representation reference...

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Komputery kwantowe kontra Klasyczne maszyny. Decydujące starcie

Benchmarking Kafka producer throughput with Quarkus

My own photos +

"You will need the following technologies if you want to reproduce my test environment:

Quarkus 1.11.1 (compiled as Java application with OpenJDK 11)
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.5
Red Hat AMQ Streams 7.7 on Red Hat OpenShift
Apache Kafka 2.6
Prometheus 2.16
Grafana 7.1.1"