Saturday, November 28, 2020

Making sense of system logs...


"Some of the most popular tools are (listed without any particular order):

Testing [React] applications with [Jest] and [Enzyme] - [Allegro]

Metryki w Aplikacji? Infografika Z Pomocą... Do pomiarów wydajności aplikacji, ich zbierania i wykrywania anomalii.

Metryki w Aplikacji? Infografika Z Pomocą... Do pomiarów wydajności aplikacji, ich zbierania i wykrywania anomalii. 

Move your mTLS configuration from the codebase to a service mesh!

Najpopularniejsze problemy serverless | Serverless Polska - polskie centrum serverless

Apache Kafka...

Friday, November 27, 2020

Creating a New Superconductor by Finding the ‘Magic Angle’

2D/3D Graphics: Blender!!!

[Unity] - Manual: Importing Objects From {Blender}!!!

How to Import Blender Models into Unity – Your One-Stop Guide – GameDev Academy

Why Jason Momoa Won’t See Dune When it Hits Theaters

Real-time style transfer in Unity using deep neural networks

Hands-On: Adventures with {Ubuntu Linux} on the [Raspberry Pi 4]

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

How to use the Linux mtr command

Kubernetes Security Specialist Certification Now Available | Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Unexpectedly, The Universe Is Getting Hotter And Hotter as It Expands

Getting started with 'btrfs' for Linux ("b-tree FS")

Object Detection Using Mask R-CNN with TensorFlow

Ubiquity of IoT. It is good or not to control everything and everyone?

Ubiquity of IoT. 

It is good or not to control everything and everyone? 

It depends on who wants to control and what :-) 

Let's start with remote controlling the temperature our home... 

Remote "UBIK" sample IoT Architecture = "ESP 8266 12-F/Arduino" + RasberryPI  +  +    +  5G  + Grafana (signal monitoring) + influxdb (data recording) + Eclipse Mosquitto message broker (with MQTT protocol) docker/docker-compose!! + CLOUD! 

home-monitoring-grafana/docker-compose.yml at master · Nilhcem/home-monitoring-grafana · GitHub

IoT - Home sensor data monitoring with MQTT, InfluxDB, Grafana, ESP* and Rasberry PI and docker-compose

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

"Fifth state of matter" used to make new type of superconductor

What's the difference between orchestration and automation?


"The difference between automation and orchestration is primarily in intent and tooling. Technically, automation can be considered a subset of orchestration. While orchestration suggests many moving parts, automation usually refers to a singular task or a small number of strongly related tasks. Orchestration works at a higher level and is expected to make decisions based on changing conditions and requirements."

Keys and Cheats for Watching Christopher Nolan’s “Tenet” | The New Yorker

HashiCorp Enhances Consul with Topology Maps and Improved Kubernetes Integrations

The Big Bang never happened but fusion will?


"Eric Lerner: Saying that the Big Bang theory is a well-confirmed theory is very much like saying that the emperor's clothes are beautiful. It's something that lots of people agree on because ultimately their jobs and income depend on it. But it's not something that's backed up by scientific evidence.

Whenever and wherever you look at what the Big Bang hypothesis predicts, and you compare with observations, then in almost every single case you get a mass of contradictions. 

This theory – despite its widespread support in the cosmology community – is like Swiss cheese, full of holes."

Set up Minishift and run Jenkins on Linux

How to Use AWS KMS in AWS Lambda

Productive Server-Side Development With Kotlin: Stories From The Industry – Kotlin Blog

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Ch 11 Building and testing applications with Docker and Docker Compose - Learn Docker in a Month


cd ch11/exercises/infrastructure      # start the app with Linux containers:   docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-linux.yml up -d      # OR start with Windows containers:   docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-windows.yml up -d      # add registry domain to local hosts file on Mac or Linux:   echo $'\n127.0.0.1 registry.local' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts      # OR on Windows:   Add-Content -Value " registry.local" -Path /windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts      # check containers:   docker container ls
# docker-compose.yml   services:     jenkins:         image: diamol/jenkins         ports:             - "8080:8080"         networks:             - infrastructure      # docker-compose-linux.yml   jenkins:     volumes:         - type: bind             source: /var/run/docker.sock             target: /var/run/docker.sock      # docker-compose-windows.yml   jenkins:     volumes:         - type: npipe             source: \\.\pipe\docker_engine               target: \\.\pipe\docker_engine
services:     numbers-api:         image: ${}/diamol/ch11-numbers-api:v3-build-${BUILD_NUMBER:-local}         networks:             - app-net        numbers-web:         image: ${}/diamol/ch11-numbers-web:v3-build-${BUILD_NUMBER:-local}         environment:             - RngApi__Url=http://numbers-api/rng         networks:               - app-net

cd ch11/exercises      # build both images:   docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-build.yml build      # check the labels for the web image:   docker image inspect -f '{{.Config.Labels}}' diamol/ch11-numbers-api:v3-build-local

Continuous Integration with Jenkins and Docker



Here is what our Jenkinsfile looks like:

node('docker') {
stage 'Checkout'
checkout scm
stage 'Build & UnitTest'
sh "docker build -t accountownerapp:B${BUILD_NUMBER} -f Dockerfile ."
sh "docker build -t accountownerapp:test-B${BUILD_NUMBER} -f Dockerfile.Integration ."
stage 'Integration Test'
sh "docker-compose -f docker-compose.integration.yml up --force-recreate --abort-on-container-exit"
sh "docker-compose -f docker-compose.integration.yml down -v"


docker-compose.integration.yml file:

version: '3.1'
- accountownerapp
image: "accountownerapp:test-B${BUILD_NUMBER}"
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile.Integration

Things I learned using Docker Compose with Jenkins | by Théophile de Segonzac

Docker Compose Build Step | Jenkins plugin

Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Smallest Kubernetes Cluster: Scaling Down to the Edge

PyCoder’s Weekly | Issue #445. Fourier Transforms etc.

Let the right one in: Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform hits 2.15 with external cluster support, new installer

We’re LOKI trying to help log watchers: GRAFANA rolls out new system health tools to test and trace

The MagPi #99: Raspberry Pi. 2020.

Europe’s Arianespace struggles for relevance in SpaceX era

BBC makes switch to AWS, serverless for new website architecture, but observers note HTML unclear?


"What is the cost impact of moving from on-premises to AWS? 

What is the cost impact of Lambda versus using EC2? 

Why, if the caching and content delivery network is working as expected, are 2,000 lamdbas a second required?" 

Kafka at the Edge — Use Cases and Architectures - DZone IoT

Google, OpenAI & DeepMind: Shared Task Behaviour Priors Can Boost RL and Generalization

TOP 10. Every Denis Villeneuve Movie, Ranked (According To IMDb)